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Building Opal on Windows


  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Download and install the OPAL source code
  4. Open the solution file
  5. Configure directories
  6. Build the OPAL Static project
  7. Build the OPAL_dll project
  8. Build the samples
  9. Build the codec plug ins


This document provides instructions for building PTLib with Visual Studio on Windows.


You will need the following:

  • A compiled PTLib installation (see Compiling PTLib)
  • There are a number of optional downloads for extra features, for example SRTP. OPAL will automatically detect if these are installed and compile the system accordingly.

Download and install the OPAL source code

Download and extract the OPAL source code. For the purposes of this document, the directory that contains Opal will be indicated as installdir\OPAL

The OPAL source may be downloaded as a ZIP file from the SourceForge download page or you may download it using Subversion

Open the opal_2017.sln solution file

The solution contain the following projects:

  • OPAL Static
  • OPAL_dll
  • PTLib DLL
  • PTLib Static
  • Simple OPAL DLL
  • Simple OPAL Static

Configure directories

You may need to add the following directories to environment variables:

    * Add installdir\OPAL\LIB to the PATH environment variable
    * Add installdir\OPAL\INCLUDE to the INCLUDE environment variable
    * Add installdir\OPAL\LIB to the LIB environment variable

Note: if the installdir\OPAL and installdir\PTLIB, use the same installdir, then you do not need to set the above or set the PTLib environment variables to build OPAL.

Build the OPAL Static project

Build the OPAL Static project to create a static code library containing all of the OPAL code. In Release mode, this will build the opals.lib file. In Debug mode, this will build the opalsd.lib file.

Build the OPAL_dll project

The OPAL Static project must be built before building Opal_dll. This should happen automatically through the solution file dependencies, if something goes wrong you can do it manually to be sure.

Build the OPAL_dll project to create a DLL code library containing all of the Opal code. In Release mode, this will build the opal.dll file. In Debug mode, this will build the opald.dll file.

Build the samples

To build some of the samples you may open open the opal_samples_XXXX.sln solution file. There a number of sample and utility applications here that may be compiled as you desire.

Build the codec plugins

To build some of the codec plugins you may open open the installdir\OPAL\plugins\plugins_XXXX.sln solution file. There a large number of codecs available, some of which will require third party libraries to build. Consult the various ReadMe.txt files in those codecs sub-directories.

The most important third party library is FFMPEG, instructions for using this is contained in installdir\OPAL\plugins\video\common\ReadMe.txt.

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Page last modified on December 09, 2018, at 08:01 PM