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Building Opal on Windows

Main.BuildingOpal History

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Changed lines 15-16 from:
!!1. Introduction
Changed lines 20-21 from:
!!2. Prerequisites
Changed lines 29-30 from:
!!3. Download and install the OPAL source code
!!Download and install the OPAL source code
Changed lines 36-43 from:
!!4. Open the solution file

If you are using Visual Studio 2013, open the @@opal_2013.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using Visual Studio 2012, open the @@opal_2012.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using Visual Studio 2010, open the @@opal_2010.sln@@ solution file.

!!Open the @@opal_2017.sln@@ solution file
Changed lines 47-48 from:
!!5. Configure directories
!!Configure directories
Changed lines 58-59 from:
!!6. Build the @@OPAL Static@@ project
!!Build the @@OPAL Static@@ project
Changed lines 64-65 from:
!!7. Build the @@OPAL_dll@@ project
!!Build the @@OPAL_dll@@ project
Changed lines 72-73 from:
!!8. Build the samples
!!Build the samples
Changed line 77 from:
!!9. Build the codec plugins
!!Build the codec plugins
Changed lines 55-56 from:
While not always necessary, you may add the following directories to environment variables:
You may need to add the following directories to environment variables:
Added lines 60-61:

Note: if the ''installdir''\OPAL and ''installdir''\PTLIB, use the same ''installdir'', then you do not need to set the above or set the PTLib environment variables to build OPAL.
Changed lines 12-13 from:
# [[#BuildPlugins|Build the codec plug ins]]
Changed lines 17-20 from:
This document provides a thorough description of the building PTLib for Visual Studio on Windows.

Support for MSVC 6 and DevStudio 2003 is no longer maintained as they are very old and MSVC 6 in particular contains bugs that cause many problems. While Windows 2000 may work for builds and running executables, it is expected that at least Windows XP would be used and no gurantees are made the future versions
This document provides instructions for building PTLib with Visual Studio on Windows.
Deleted lines 25-28:
* 2005, 2008, Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, Visual Studio 2010 or Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition.

* If using SVN download, [[|Tortoise SVN]] is highly recommended.

Changed lines 38-43 from:
If you are using 2005, open the @@opal_2005.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using 2008, open the @@opal_2008.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using VS 2010, open the @@opal_2010.sln@@ solution file.
If you are using Visual Studio 2013, open the @@opal_2013.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using Visual Studio 2012, open the @@opal_2012.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using Visual Studio 2010, open the @@opal_2010.sln@@ solution file.
Changed lines 55-61 from:
Once Visual Studio is started, select "Tools" from the "Options" menu, then open the "Projects and Solutions" element in the tree on the left, and finally select the "VC++ Directories" entry. Add the following directories settings:

  * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\INCLUDE to the Include directory list
    * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the Library directory list

Note: for Windows Mobile, make sure you also set those platforms, see [[Main.BuildingPTLib#WindowsMobile|Notes on Windows Mobile]]

While not always necessary, you may add the following directories to environment variables:

    * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the PATH environment variable
  * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\INCLUDE to the INCLUDE environment variable
   * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the LIB environment variable
Changed lines 70-71 from:
The @@OPAL Static@@ project must be built before building @@Opal_dll@@. Thist should happen automatically through the solution file dependencies, if something goes wrong you can do it manually to be sure.
The @@OPAL Static@@ project must be built before building @@Opal_dll@@. This should happen automatically through the solution file dependencies, if something goes wrong you can do it manually to be sure.
Changed lines 78-86 from:
To build some of the samples you may open open the @@opal_samples_XXXX.sln@@ solution file, where XXX is 2003, 2005 or 2008 as appropriate. There a number of sample and utility applications here that may be compiled as you desire.
To build some of the samples you may open open the @@opal_samples_XXXX.sln@@ solution file. There a number of sample and utility applications here that may be compiled as you desire.

!!9. Build the codec plugins

To build some of the codec plugins you may open open the @@''installdir''\OPAL\plugins\plugins_XXXX.sln@@ solution file. There a large number of codecs available, some of which will require third party libraries to build. Consult the various ReadMe.txt files in those codecs sub-directories.

The most important third party library is FFMPEG, instructions for using this is contained in ''installdir''\OPAL\plugins\video\common\ReadMe.txt.

Changed lines 18-19 from:
Support for MSVC 6 is no longer maintained as it is very old and contains bugs that cause many problems. While Windows 2000 may work for builds and running executables, it is expected that at least Windows XP would be used and no gurantees are made the future versions.
Support for MSVC 6 and DevStudio 2003 is no longer maintained as they are very old and MSVC 6 in particular contains bugs that cause many problems. While Windows 2000 may work for builds and running executables, it is expected that at least Windows XP would be used and no gurantees are made the future versions.
Changed lines 27-29 from:
* 2003, 2005, Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, 2008 or Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
** Note that you cannot use the free 2003 available from Microsoft as building without the IDE is not supported.

* 2005, 2008, Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, Visual Studio 2010 or Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition.
Deleted lines 42-43:
If you are using 2003, open the @@opal.sln@@ solution file.
Added lines 47-48:
If you are using VS 2010, open the @@opal_2010.sln@@ solution file.
Changed lines 25-26 from:
* A compiled PTLib installation (see [[|Compiling PTLib]])
* A compiled PTLib installation (see [[Main.BuildingPTLib|Compiling PTLib]])
Changed lines 39-40 from:
The OPAL source may be downloaded as a ZIP file from the [[|SourceForge download page]] or you may download it using [[|Subversion]]
The OPAL source may be downloaded as a ZIP file from the [[|SourceForge download page]] or you may download it using [[Main.Subversion|Subversion]]
Added lines 66-67:
Note: for Windows Mobile, make sure you also set those platforms, see [[Main.BuildingPTLib#WindowsMobile|Notes on Windows Mobile]]
March 20, 2009, at 12:23 AM by RJJ - Update for VS2008
Changed line 6 from:
# [[#Downloads|Download and install the Opal source code]]
# [[#Downloads|Download and install the OPAL source code]]
Changed lines 9-11 from:
# [[#BuildOpalStatic|Build the @@Opal Static@@ project]]
# [[#BuildOpalDLL|Build the @@Opal_dll@@ project]]
# [[#BuildOpalStatic|Build the @@OPAL Static@@ project]]
# [[#BuildOpalDLL|Build the @@OPAL_dll@@ project]]
# [[#BuildSamples|Build the samples
Changed lines 16-19 from:
This document describes how to build Opal using 2003 and 2005.
for MSVC 6 is no longer maintained
as it is very old and contains many bugs that cause problems in many circumstances
This document provides a thorough description of the building PTLib for Visual Studio on Windows.

for MSVC 6 is no longer maintained as it is very old and contains bugs that cause many problems. While Windows 2000 may work for builds and running executables, it is expected that at least Windows XP would be used and no gurantees are made the future versions.
Changed lines 27-34 from:
* 2003, 2005 or Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. 
Note that you cannot use the VS
.net 2003 available from Microsoft as building without the IDE is not supported.
Visual C++ 2005 Expresss Edition
is supported (follow the instructions for 2005)

* A copy of the Opal source archive from the [[|SourceForge download page]] or from [[http://wiki|Subversion]]

* An unzip program such as WinZIP

* 2003, 2005, Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, 2008 or Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
** Note that you cannot use the free 2003 available from Microsoft as building without the IDE
is not supported.

* If using SVN download, [[|Tortoise SVN]] is highly recommended.

* There are a number of optional downloads for extra features, for example SRTP
. OPAL will automatically detect if these are installed and compile the system accordingly.
Changed lines 39-40 from:
For the purposes of this document, the directory that contains OPAL will be indicated as installdir\OPAL
The OPAL source may be downloaded as a ZIP file from the [[|SourceForge download page]] or you may download it using [[|Subversion]]
Added lines 48-49:
If you are using 2008, open the @@opal_2008.sln@@ solution file.
Changed lines 61-62 from:
Select "Tools" from the "Options" menu, and add the following directories settings as required
Once Visual Studio is started, select "Tools" from the "Options" menu, then open the "Projects and Solutions" element in the tree on the left, and finally select the "VC++ Directories" entry. Add the following directories settings:
Deleted line 63:
   * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the Executable directory list
Changed lines 67-69 from:
!!6. Build the @@Opal Static@@ project

Build the @@Opal Static@@ project to create a static code library containing all of the Opal code.
!!6. Build the @@OPAL Static@@ project

Build the @@OPAL Static@@ project to create a static code library containing all of the OPAL code.
Changed lines 73-77 from:
!!7. Build the @@Opal_dll@@ project

The @@Opal Static@@ project must be built before building @@Opal_dll@@.

Build the @@Opal_dll@@
project to create a DLL code library containing all of the Opal code.
!!7. Build the @@OPAL_dll@@ project

The @@OPAL Static@@ project must be built before building @@Opal_dll@@. Thist should happen automatically through the solution file dependencies, if something goes wrong you can do it manually to be sure.

Build the @@OPAL
_dll@@ project to create a DLL code library containing all of the Opal code.
Added lines 79-84:

!!8. Build the samples

To build some of the samples you may open open the @@opal_samples_XXXX.sln@@ solution file, where XXX is 2003, 2005 or 2008 as appropriate. There a number of sample and utility applications here that may be compiled as you desire.

October 31, 2007, at 10:11 AM by -
Changed lines 17-18 from:
as it is very old and contains many bugs that may cause problems in some circumstances
as it is very old and contains many bugs that cause problems in many circumstances
October 31, 2007, at 10:10 AM by -
Changed lines 68-69 from:
Build the @@Opal Static@@ project to create a static code library containing all of the PTLib code.
Build the @@Opal Static@@ project to create a static code library containing all of the Opal code.
In Release mode, this will build the @@opals.lib@@ file. In Debug mode, this will build the @@opalsd.lib@@ file
Added lines 74-75:
The @@Opal Static@@ project must be built before building @@Opal_dll@@.
Changed line 77 from:
The @@Opal Static@@ project must be built first.
In Release mode, this will build the @@opal.dll@@ file. In Debug mode, this will build the @@opald.dll@@ file.
October 31, 2007, at 10:03 AM by -
Deleted line 48:
October 31, 2007, at 10:02 AM by -
Deleted lines 14-15:
1. Introduction
Changed lines 20-21 from:
2. Prerequisites
!!2. Prerequisites
Changed lines 35-36 from:
3. Download and install the OPAL source code
!!3. Download and install the OPAL source code
October 31, 2007, at 10:02 AM by -
Added lines 1-77:
(:title Building Opal on Windows:)

!! Contents
# [[#Introduction|Introduction]]
# [[#Prerequisites|Prerequisites]]
# [[#Downloads|Download and install the Opal source code]]
# [[#SolutionFile|Open the solution file]]
# [[#Directories|Configure directories]]
# [[#BuildOpalStatic|Build the @@Opal Static@@ project]]
# [[#BuildOpalDLL|Build the @@Opal_dll@@ project]]

!!1. Introduction

1. Introduction

This document describes how to build Opal using 2003 and 2005.
Support for MSVC 6 is no longer maintained
as it is very old and contains many bugs that may cause problems in some circumstances

2. Prerequisites

You will need the following:

* A compiled PTLib installation (see [[|Compiling PTLib]])

* 2003, 2005 or Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.
Note that you cannot use the 2003 available from Microsoft as building without the IDE is not supported.
Visual C++ 2005 Expresss Edition is supported (follow the instructions for 2005)

* A copy of the Opal source archive from the [[|SourceForge download page]] or from [[|Subversion]]

* An unzip program such as WinZIP

3. Download and install the OPAL source code

Download and extract the OPAL source code. For the purposes of this document, the directory that contains Opal will be indicated as ''installdir''\OPAL

For the purposes of this document, the directory that contains OPAL will be indicated as installdir\OPAL

!!4. Open the solution file

If you are using 2003, open the @@opal.sln@@ solution file.

If you are using 2005, open the @@opal_2005.sln@@ solution file.

The solution contain the following projects:

* @@OPAL Static@@
* @@OPAL_dll@@
* @@PTLib DLL@@
* @@PTLib Static@@
* @@Simple OPAL DLL@@
* @@Simple OPAL Static@@

!!5. Configure directories

Select "Tools" from the "Options" menu, and add the following directories settings as required

    * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\INCLUDE to the Include directory list
    * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the Executable directory list
    * Add ''installdir''\OPAL\LIB to the Library directory list

!!6. Build the @@Opal Static@@ project

Build the @@Opal Static@@ project to create a static code library containing all of the PTLib code.

!!7. Build the @@Opal_dll@@ project

Build the @@Opal_dll@@ project to create a DLL code library containing all of the Opal code.
The @@Opal Static@@ project must be built first.
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Page last modified on December 09, 2018, at 08:01 PM